alberta, canada
Why Support Tilted Tiara Dressage?
Gallop your brand into the limelight among passionate horse enthusiasts (who also happen to be dog lovers with a thirst for adventure)
Boost awareness and promotion for your top-notch products and services
Back the one-of-a-kind global dressage event in Alberta for 2024
All Levels
Your company logo in included in our day sheet packages
Hip, hip, hooray for social media and Tilted Tiara website advertsing
Get ready for some red carpet treatment with our exclusive VIP event at every show
Chill out in style with an exclusive VIP viewing area at each show
At last but not least, PA announcements
Title Sponsor
A major event named after your company - CDI, Young Horse Championships or National Show
Judge’s booth signage
Full-page ad in our prize lists
Dedicated sub-page on our Tilted Tiara website
Celebrate your brand during prize giving at each show
Preferred stabling for your barn’s horses
Reach competitors directly by including your Insert into their packages
Custom banners promoting your company on the showgrounds
Tiara Sponsor
$2,500 - $9,999
Judge’s booth signage
Full-page ad in our prize lists
Dedicated sub-page on our Tilted Tiara website
Celebrate your brand during prize giving at each show
Own a dressage ring with your company name
Preferred stabling for your barn’s horses
Reach competitors directly by including your Insert into their packages
A custom banner promoting your company on the showgrounds
Diamond Sponsor (Judge) $2,000
Meet and greet your judge at the VIP event
Dedicated sub-page on our Tilted Tiara website
Half-page ad in our prize lists
Own a dressage ring with your company name
Reach competitors directly by including your Insert into their packages
A custom banner promoting your company on the showgrounds
Platinum Sponsor
$1,000 - $2,499
Half-page ad in our prize lists
Dedicated sub-page on our Tilted Tiara website
Celebrate your brand during prize giving at each show
Own a dressage ring with your company name
Reach competitors directly by including your Insert into their packages
A custom banner promoting your company on the showgrounds
Gold Sponsor
$500 - $999
A link to your company/organization from the Tilted Tiara website
Logo in our prize lists
Celebrate your brand during prize giving at one show
A special event sponsorship opportunity
A custom banner promoting your company on the showgrounds
$100 - $499
Our deepest appreciation
A link to your company/organization from the Tilted Tiara website
A special prize giving opportunity at one show
Link to your company/organization from the Tilted Tiara website
Promotion opportunities
Promote your business by donating merchandise to draw tables & and special awards